
Member since: 2021-01-01
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This person is pretty lazy
Neonode - Fun play
👤 neoneolazy guy 
💬 2
   Jan 27, 2021

Neonode is a Swedish company listed in US which makes holographic solutions. A bit of a turn around case which been managed terrible over the years, sitting on an amazing patent portfolio and top class solutions for .

Last year a new management came in which is some of the leading figures in Sweden trying to turn this case around.

Trends last year have really played in favour for the company as more and more people realise what a disease transmitters touch screens and elevators really are so Neonode have gotten deals with many of the big suppliers this year for example https://www.air-click.fr/?lang=en which is one of the biggest suppliers to McDonalds and other fast food returants. Neonode is starting to see some real demand for their products.

Bonus is that they have a Lawsuit against Apple as Neonode has made a deal with revered US patent firm Aequitas, which gets control of the patents and pays all the legal costs. In the event of a win, it’s split 50/50 with Neonode. Caltech recently received $1 billion from Apple in a similar lawsuit. Neonode's market value is $90 million.

Should come a resolution in April/May as court date is set to 8th of April.

Not your all in case but it can be a fun spice to a portfolio . https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/rdey-cms-prod/app/uploads/2020/05/neonode-q120-update-pdf4.pdf

👤 neoneolazy guy 
💬 2
   Jan 01, 2021


A CPG play with a bonus of the possibility of a SaaS AI included. Bullish case, and although it had a run still cheap on '21 '22 EST.

Great article: https://news.alphastreet.com/mohawk-group-ceo-interview/

